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call of duty infinite warfare-used

call of duty infinite warfare-used
call of duty infinite warfare-used
  • Stock: In Stock
450 EGP


Innovations:For the first time in the history of Call of Duty, battles appear in the air and in space. The Retribution is your home, your warship, which you and the unit have to protect. For the first time in the Call of Duty you will pilot your own jet known as Jackal Multiplayer:In Call of Duty Infinity Warfare, the handling system has evolved to give a better focus on battles. The maps are designed to offer a fast, entertaining and frantic gameplay Zombies : A new original Zombies mode comes to Infinite Warfare that will take you to a wild adventure through a new story with unique features. Wait for a really fun Zombie mode that will surprise most.

Tags: war , gun , kill , zombie